We exist to create a vibrant family of hope filled believers who deeply experience the love and presence of God.
Our Vision
As a church leadership we want our Portadown Elim family to be authentic both biblically and relationally. We have a vision for the future of what a community of fully devoted followers of Jesus looks like. In order to accomplish our vision, we have created four core values that shape who we are and why we do, what we do.
The Lost
Are Found
The Found
Are Free’d
The Free’d
Are Connected
The Connected
Are Commissioned
Our New Home
For a long time Portadown Elim has been searching for land, a place where we could expand our borders and push forward with the work. That dream became a reality when we signed the deeds to our new land.
The site is 4.3 acres of wasteland right in the middle of the town. Despite it being prime retail space it has laid dormant for years occupied only by drug users and graffiti artists who decorated the walls of the derelict building within its perimeter. It’s as if it was just waiting for us ‘for such a time as this’.
So now we have the incredible opportunity to take wasteland associated with vandalism and crime and turn it around to become a centre of light and life in the middle of our community. We are grateful for everything God has done in the past and now we look forward to a new day with fresh challenges and opportunities to serve Him and our town.

Senior Pastor
Ross Mcbride

Associate Pastor
Andrew Robinson

Youth Pastor
Ethan Johnston

Finance Officer
Michael Watson

The Y-Zone
Campbell Best

Karen McCracken

Pastoral Care
Julie Joyce (Volunteer)

Pastoral Care
Jimmy Ritchie (Volunteer)

Ross McBride

Andrew Robinson

Ken Henning

Will Barker

Rodney Robinson

Michael Watson

Andrew McCreery

Andrew Murdock

Roy Argue
Elder Emeritus

Sam Warnock
Elder Emeritus

Gareth King

John Pierson

Rosie Argue

Joel McCreery

Jonathan Watt

Mark Robinson

Beverley Robinson

Jonny Elliot

Lindsay Totten

David Kinnin

Martin Anderson